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Without silent-block, here is the method for lowering the noise level of a Blue an White G3 (light version)

As usual, I cannot be responsible for any damage to your machines when you will experiment the following tutorial.


I took a special fabric used in kitchen's cupboard buiding which has the peculiarity to reduce the noises. The fabric roll is 150 cm X 50 cm: quite enough to reduce the noises for a lot of machines! It is made from a transparent plastic layer with several soft "bubbles" on its surface.

Protection plastic sheets used in air freight packages can also be used, provide they have not too thick "bubbles".

One can also use large plombing joints or rubber for reparing shoes soles!


Well, "Out Of Topic": The left yellow arrow shows the cap which hide the processor frequency's jumpers and the right arrow points to the jumpers set to 400 MHZ... instead of the original frequency 350 MHz.

Unfortunately, trying to boost it to 450 MHZ just offers a "OpenFirmware" panel ;-)

All this thanks to: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/keaps/overclock.html
and MacBidouille


Yellow arrows show the most principal noise's origins.

From left to right and bottom to top:

the CD drive
the power unit's fan
the mother board's fan
and finally the hard disks.

Blue arrows point to two screws to be removed to extract the big fan's craddle.


Once the screws have been removed, do not forget to disconnect the fan's power cable!


Yellow arrows on the top show the removed screws, yellow arrows on the bottom the locations where they were extracted.

Blue arrow shows the fan's power cable connector.


The yellow arrow shows one of the screws which fixed the fan to its craddle. Unfortunately, they are screwed within the structure of the fan itsself: therefore they transmit the noises as well as the vibrations of the fan!

And that's why we've to insulate them.


As the fan is dissambled, remove the fan sticker (if any) and put a little bit of sewing machine oil on the fan's axis (yellow arrow).

Do not forget to place back the sticker!


I place the fan onto my fabric and takes both its internal and external footprints.


I can cut the fabric at the right dimensions..removing the part the internal footprint demarcates.


Now, create the screws holes: either with a specialized tool used by leather worker to make holes (here) or any other tool for making small holes.

Blue arrow shows the small cutting out which has been made to avoid that the wind generated by the fan trills the plastic stuff.


With the residues of the footprint's cutting out process above, I cut small square pieces and creates a hole in it for the screws to pass through...


...like this!


Il also cut out two other pieces with a rounded top. These will not so reduce noises but help me to put the fan back in place :-)


On the top of the picture, one can seen one of this screw which fix the fan and its "noise reducer".

Now, let's operate the hard disk.

Yellow arrows (from left to right) point to the IDE connector and the power cable connector: both of them have to be disconnected.

Blue arrow points to the small screw which prevents the hard disk's craddle to slide to the right: this screw also has to be removed, as well as the small piece it maintains.


Yellow arrow points to one of the guides which lock the craddle.

The blue one shows the move away sliding direction.


Craddle out: the 4 fixations screws.


So, same as above: small pieces cutted out in our fabric residues... small holes in them to allow the screws passign through.

We place one of them above the craddle metal sheet, the other one under; the blue arrow shows on which side the hard disk is to be fixed on.


Our Noise reducers in place!


When putting the craddle back into place, take care that this craddle is inserted within its guides... otherwise noise will be higher that the level our homemade's reducers can absorb!!!

And again, follow the above instructions in reverse order to re-assembly the whole stuff.

Well, I did not have much time to operate the power unit's fan, neither the CD drive. Next tutorial perhaps ;-)

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